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ADR Research Network Call for Paper Proposals by the ADRRN

The Australian Dispute Resolution Research Network have they next (the Tenth) Annual Research Roundtable on the 7 – 8 February 2022 and are currently calling for papers to present at the event which will again be held online. The Bond University Law Faculty at the Gold Coast will be hosting the zoom meeting.

Australian Disptue Resolution Research Network (ADRRN) provides a collaborative and supportive research environment for work-shopping papers-in-progress. In addition to presenting and receiving feedback from attendeese participants can opt to have theri paper commented on by a Network colleague.

Details in Brief

Time allocated for your presentation: usually 30 minutes for the presentation adn 30 minutes for freedback, discussion and commentary.

Abstract required: your abstract submission should be no more than 300 words plus a short bio and photo

Abstract’s due date: 30th November 2021 via email to the 2021 Network Presedents and 2022 Roundtable Conveners Rachel Fields (rfield @ bond.edu.au) and Jonathan Crowe (jcrowe @ bond.edu.au)  If chosen to present you will be asked to convert your absract into a short blog post of no more than 1000 words to be published on the ADRRN’s webpage https://adrresearch.net/

Notifications of Acceptance: 17th December 2021

Full Paper for Peer Review: (optional) 24th January 2021

Blog Post Due: 25th February 2022 (for publication in March 2022)

Contact Rachel Fields or Jonathan Crowe for more information on the emails above.

Details provided

Paper abstracts can focus on any dispute resolution theme and scholarly, critical and/or empirical perspectives are particularly welcome. Submissions from postgraduate students and early career researchers are encouraged, but Roundtable papers are presented by a spread of participants across all stages of an academic career. All submissions are considered. Papers should constitute work in progress.

A selection panel will select Roundtable papers from the abstracts submitted. The following selection criteria will be applied:

  • The submission takes a scholarly, critical and/or empirical perspective on an area of contemporary interest in dispute resolution theory or practice;
  • The submission is about a work in progress; and
  • The abstract is well-written.

Participation at the Roundtable is on a self-funded basis.

Attendance at the Roundtable is only open to individuals who are contributing to the scholarly discussions by presenting a paper, or commentating and/or chairing a session.

More information about the Australasian Dispute Resolution Research Network

The Australasian Dispute Resolution Research Network brings together leading dispute resolution scholars and provides a collaborative environment to foster, nurture and enrich high quality research and scholarship. The Network is inclusive and forward-looking and seeks to bring together emerging, mid-career and established scholars to build excellence in the field and provide peer support. Network activities are expressly designed to provide a supportive and collegial presentation environment in which meaningful discussion and constructive feedback is provided to the presenter.

Network activities include maintaining the ADR Research Network blog at www.adrresearch.net on Twitter and conducting annual scholarly round tables of work in progress since 2012.

Guest blog post proposals are always welcome. Contact the general blog editor Rachael Field at rfield@bond.edu.au.

Membership of Australasian Dispute Resolution Research Network

The Network eschews hierarchies and unnecessary administration, so we do not currently have any membership list or legal organisational framework. The way to become a member of the ADR Research Network is to subscribe to the blog. This is our primary means of communication.

Subscription will mean that every time a post is made on the blog you will receive a notification alert to your email address. Other ways to follow blog activity are through Facebook “ADR Research Network” and Twitter @ADRResearch.


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