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The Dispute Resolution
Training and Membership Specialists

Tel: 1300 781 533 

Welcome. Join or Renew your Mediation Institute Membership

Mediation Institute is one of Australia's fastest-growing professional bodies for dispute resolution professionals.
Host of the Mediation Institute Network and Coordinator of the International Mediation Awareness Week (IMAW).

Nmas To Amdras

Supporting Members through the Transition from NMAS to AMDRAS

Mediation Institute is a strong supporter of the National Mediator Accreditation System in Australia. Our director, Joanne Law, has been a board member of the Mediator Standards Board (MSB) since 2023 (now the AMDRAS board).  

The accreditation system is going through a transition to the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards (AMDRAS) between 1st July 2024 and the 30th June 2025. You can trust Mediation Institute to support our members every step of the way.   

We train, assess and accredit Mediators and also offer assessment and accreditation for mediators who trained with other training providers.  

Have a question or want to talk to someone?

You can call us  on 1300 781 533 

Please leave a message if we are not able to answer your call. 

We have a remote office team of three and sometimes we are not able to pick up a call. 

NMAS Mediator Accreditation and Mediation Institute Membership
$480 for two years!

NMAS / AMDRAS Mediator Membership

This membership category is for people who are applying for accreditation under NMAS or AMDRAS  or renewal of their NMAS Mediator Accreditation.  During the transition period NMAS rules can apply. From the 1st July 2025 all renewals will be under the AMDRAS standards.

National Accreditation as a Mediator - Renewal Application

Accredited Mediator Member

Practitioner Membership is now available on a 1 year subscription basis.

Practitioner Membership – if you do not need National Accreditation as a mediator under NMAS / AMDRAS through Mediation Institute.

NMAS / AMDRAS Membership is for 2 years and includes all Practitioner Membership Benefits if you are also a FDR Practitioner and/or Family Group Conference Facilitator. 

Practitioner Membership

This membership category is for people who are:

– Certified Family Group Conference Facilitators

– Qualified to apply for registration as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

– Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners

– NMAS / AMDRAS Mediators accredited through a different Recognised Accreditation Provider (RAP)  WHO DON’T WANT TO TRANSFER TO MEDIATION INSTITUTE.  

 If that is you, we’d love to have you join the Mediation Institute as a practitioner member. 

Visit our Membership Site for full information about Member Benefits and options. 

FDR Membership

Practitioner Membership

FGC Membership

Practitioner Membership

Practitioner Membership - NMAS / AMDRAS Accreditation through another RAP

Practitioner Membership

Professional Development Membership is now available on a 1 year subscription basis.

Professional Development Membership is for people who do not need all the benefits of Practitioner Membership or who are not yet eligible for Practitioner Membership. 

It includes free access to our Free for Members Professional Development Events and resources.

Professional Development Membership does not include Independent Complaint Handling or listing on our Directory of Practitioner Members. 

If you want to list on the directory or be included in our panels you will need Practitioner Membership and can let us know that you don’t want us to provide your independent complaint handling services. 


Benefits of joining Mediation Institute

Nmas To AmdrasMediation Institute is a Recognised  Accreditation Provider (RAP) formerly known as a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB) 

We provide beginning to end support for those who want to become qualified as NMAS Accredited Mediators or you can join us at any stage along the way. 

Find out more about the NMAS to AMDRAS Transition https://www.mediationinstitute.edu.au/amdras/

You can publish your business listing on our members directory if you are a Practitioner Member. The listing can have your logo or image, a link to your website or LinkedIn page and some basic information about your professional practice as an Accredited Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner or Family Group conference Facilitator. 

If you are a NMAS / AMDRAS Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner or a Family Group Conference we offer you independent complaint handling services.

Complaints about dispute resolution professionals are rare but if they do occur we manage the complaint process fairly, quickly and proportionately.  Find out more about our complaint handling service. 

Complaint Handling 

We offer friendly, discussion type professional development opportunities online for NMAS / AMDRAS Mediators, FDR Practitioners and Family Group Conference Facilitators. Check out what’s on soon https://www.mediationinstitute.edu.au/events/

Mediation Institute director co-founded and continues to support not-for-profit Interact Support. Interact provides internship opportunities for our Grad. Dip. FDR students and workplace experience and contract work for our members. Find out more about the Interact Online (IO) and the Interact Community Dispute Resolution Service (ICDRS)   www.interact.support 

We have arranged some member discounts and contact us for help to negotiate group discounts and special offers with other providers.  https://www.mediationinstitute.edu.au/member-benefits/

If you have an ethical or practical question you can call Mi and talk to one of our team.  We want our members to be providing the highly professional and ethical  services and are here to support you.  Call 1300 781 533 or email the office if you have a niggling doubt or want some guidance.


Thank you for all of your support and mentorship over the past years.  Your wisdom, passion and care for this industry has been inspiring and has kept me going with it when it has been really tough.  Thank you for the supportive and understanding phone calls when I have struggled with challenging cases, I have really appreciated it. 


The opportunity to network on socials with a Mi Members Only Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/mi.member Apply to join and we’ll let you in if you are a current Mi Member.

If you are just starting out and want some more structured support or co-mediation guidance for your first mediation jobs we can connect you with another member who can provide that support.

Applies to NMAS / AMDRAS Mediators, FDR Practitioners and Family Group Conference Facilitators. 

Join us for training with Mediation Institute.

Education Provider Complaint
Handling Service

Corporate Membership

Convenient, flexible Membership for organisations that employ dispute resolution professionals, including NMAS / AMDRAS Mediators, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and Family Group Conference Facilitators.

Corporate Membership

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Link to the Mi Mediator Network

Join the Mi Mediator Network

We host this free network as a support to Mediators. The Mi Mediator Network is for dispute resolution professionals who want to …
Network | Share Learning | Collaborate