What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Professional Indemnity covers you if you make a mistake in professional practice resulting from negligence, omissions, and errors. A situation where you’ve breached your professional duty that result in your client’s injury or loss.
There is a requirement that you have this type of insurance in the NMAS Mediator Accrediation Standards, for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and for Family Group Conference Facilitator Members.
If you are employed you might be covered by your employer and can provide information about their insurance in your membership application. If you are a sole trader or have a business you will need your own insurance.
If there was a claim against you for a professional mistake the claim and associated legal costs can really mount up.
Professional Indemnity protects against civil lawsuits brought against you or your company.
Professional indemnity insurance will protect against claims arising from:
- Breaches of confidentiality
- Breaches of duty
- Defamation and/or libel or slander
- Breaches of various Australian laws including the consumer, fair trade, trade practice, and competition acts
- Loss or damage of important documents
- Actions of dishonest employees
- Copyright and/or intellectual property infringement, if accidental
How do I get it?
Mediation Institute recommends an Insurance Specialist, Samantha Bridger and her team at All Solutions Insurance. They understand our industry and can assist with insurance at a reasonable rate.
When checked early in 2022 and the rate for a basic policy is not expected to change and the premium is within the $275-$330 annual premium range depending on the stamp duty per state.
All Solutions Insurance Services Pty Ltd
ABN 73 613 337 321 T/As All Solutions Insurance Services is an Authorised Representative of Resilium Insurance Broking Pty Ltd ABN 92 169 975 973 AFSL 460382.
This information is provided for the convenience of members. Mediation Institute does not receive any benefits or payments from All Solutions.
Do I need an ABN?
The information below was provided by All Solutions Insurance 26th August 2020.
Due to changes in the Insurance Industry, all persons applying for Professional Indemnity policies going forward, will be required to have an Australian Business Number (ABN), as Professional Indemnity is classed as a Corporate Insurance policy which requires an ABN to be linked.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to process a request or application without one.
The link below will take you to a page with more information on how to apply, and assist you step by step with your application.
Applying for an ABN number may or may not incur a charge depending on the registration. Please ensure you read the information correctly when completing the application, as we will not be responsible for any fees or charges you may incur from your registration.
To complete your ABN application – depending on your circumstances – you’ll need your:
- tax file number (TFN)
- previously held ABN (if applicable)
- The date your ABN is required. This should be the date that you expect to start any business activities – e.g. buying stock or applying for your insurance. This date can’t be more than six months in the future when you apply
- entity legal name – appears on all official documents or legal papers.
- business contact details including an address, postal address, email address and telephone number. Your email address must meet requirements such as; being between 5 – 200 characters, contain no spaces and not start with “support@”, “Sales@” or “info@”
- business activity – usually the main source of income for your enterprise.
This is a recording with Samantha Bridger from All Solutions Insurance chats with Joanne Law about Professional Indemnity Insurance.
In it Samantha explains the key principles of Professional Indemnity Insurance, the risks of a group or pool policy and gives case example of the types of problems that may lead to a professional indemnity claim.
Making sure you use and explain the deed of agreement or agreement to mediate is an important way to prevent issues that may turn into a complaint or claim.
Yes in most cases other than perhaps the US. Ask in your quote if you want to work internationally.

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