Mi Community Mediation Service

Interact Community Dispute Resolution Program

What is the Mi Community Mediation Program

The Mi Community Mediation Program is a mediation service designed to provide early and easy access to dispute resolution services for people who might not otherwise make use of mediation to discuss and resolve their disputes. 

What is mediation?

Mediation is an effective and empowering process where an independent third party (the mediator) helps two or more people communicate to discuss issues that are causing a dispute or conflict between them.  

The majority of mediation sessions lead to an agreement that will resolve the dispute either during mediation or shortly after. 

Are Mediators the same as Lawyers?

No. Some mediators are also trained or even practicing as lawyers but they are not working as a lawyer when they are being a mediator. Your lawyer can not mediate for you.  

A mediators job is to make sure that mediation is safe, help both or all of you to prepare for mediation, and facilitate the mediation session or sessions either in person or online using video mediation.  If an agreement is reached the mediator will ask you if you want them to write it up for you. 

If the agreement includes a payment or something specific that you agree to do you may like to get legal advice before signing the agreement. 

Who can use the Mi Community Mediation?

This is intended as an access to justice program for low-income earners. If all people are earning more than $45,000 or the dispute is between two companies we after the initial discussion we will suggest that you speak with a private mediator and pay their standard fees for their professional services. 

Mediation is a much more efficient process than using lawyers to negotiate, you should still get legal advice but even legal advice before and after the mediation you will pay much less than if you tried to resolve the dispute using just lawyers or going to a court or tribunal. 

The program is designed for low or no income earners or small charities or not-for-profit organisations. 

What does it cost?

Mi Community Mediation Fee Structure

Fees vary depending on capacity to pay

All mediation services are provided by a team of Accredited Mediators NMAS. Mediation is available in person (limited locations) or nationally and internationally via video mediation.

I'm a mediator. How do I get involved?

This program is open to Mediation Institute Members and Interact Support Contractors.

Attend an information session – Mi Community Mediation Information Session And Working Group | Mediation Institute

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