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The Dispute Resolution
Training and Membership Specialists

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The DRAFT AMDRAS has been Released

The Mediator Standards Board (MSB) released Version 1 of the new AMDRAS Standards (DRAFT) on the 30th August 2023.

The structure of the new standards is the standards document and 5 appendices which are intended to replace the current standards, the National Mediator Accreditation System NMAS

The AMDRAS Documents

You can download the AMDRAS document and the appendices or view online with this link.

The Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution System (AMDRAS) Standards

The appendices do not appear in the index to the main document but appendix 1 – 4 is attached. A 5th Appendix which is a template for complaint handling is still to be released.    You can use the document viewer to the left of the screen to see the parts of the document.

We have downloaded the document and also separated out the appendices below for your convenience. 

Draft Amdras Front Cover
The DRAFT AMDRAS with Appendix 1 to 4


For your convenience and ours we’ve also attached the appendices as separate documents below for quick reference. 

What happens now?

Joanne Law - MSB Director

Now there is going to be a period of consultation and discussion. 

There will be a number of opportunities to engage and discuss. 

 Past events

  • Presentation and consultation for RMAB’s and trainers Tuesday 26th September (online) 
  • Presentations and consultation at the MSB booth at the National Mediation Conference in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand in early September 2023. 


Joanne Law in addition to being the director of Mediation Institute is a current director of the Mediator Standards Board. 

She is along with other MSB Directors are available to present on the DRAFT Standards. 

Draft Amdras Appendix 1
DRAFT APPENDIX 1 - AMDRAS Training and Assessment Framework (TAF)
Draft Amdras Appendix 2
DRAFT APPENDIX 2 - CPD Schedule and Record Sheet
Draft Amdras Appendix 3
Appendix 4
DRAFT APPENDIX 4 - Domains: Professional Skills, Ethics and Responsiblities

Consultation Period

There will be a number of presentations and opportunities to hear directly from board members.  

Your feedback is requested and valued with the consultation period open up until the 20th December 2023.  

A feedback collection form will be released soon. 


The Mediator Standards Board is pleased to release Version 1 of the new AMDRAS Standards. These are intended to replace the existing NMAS Standards. Many of the key features of the existing Standards have been retained. There are five appendices to the new Standards but only four have been included in this release. We are still working on Appendix 5 concerned with complaints handling. This will include a model form of complaints handling process available to be incorporated in the rules of each member organisation, without being obligatory.

This release is the culmination of almost three years of work by the Board which has included a review and consultation by professional consultants Resolution Resources, and considerable work by the Board itself. We were also pleased to be able to use the services of Prof Peter Butt of Sydney University in improving the drafting of the documents.

It is intended that there be a consultation process with members and the ADR community over the next six months. The aim will be to elicit comments in a way that means that the community’s input is harvested in the most effective way possible.

There will be specific meetings arranged so that members of the MSB and the broader community can meet with Board members to provide comments in person. As well there will be posted on the MSB website a Review Response Form which will enable feedback. This will be posted shortly.

Following this consultation process, the Board will finalise the draft. There will need to be some consequential changes to the MSB Constitution. These will be put to a special general meeting of members before the new Standards are implemented.

At this stage two consultation events have been organised: • Tuesday 26 September – Webinar for Trainers and Coaches • Monday 30 October – Consultation Workshop for Members, in Sydney before the Annual General Meeting. Board members will also be available to make special presentations to RMABs and training organisations during the consultation period. The aim will be to have at least one such event in each mainland State capital. Further consultation sessions will be arranged and notified in the coming weeks.


Christopher Boyle | MSB Chair

Available on the MSB Website –