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The Dispute Resolution
Training and Membership Specialists

Tel: 1300 781 533 

Venita Dimos

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Conflict doesn't happen to you it comes from you. By increasing your conflict inteligence you can change the dynamic.

More about Venita Dimos

In this episode Ken Speakman chats with Venita Dimos. Venita is a dispute resolution specialist with a passion for education about conflict through speaking, training, coaching and  facilitation of dispute resolution services. Venita believes that with less conflict people would be happier. She want’s you to be happy!

Venita is collaborating with Mediation Institute to create a unique Conflict Coach training program called the SOLVE CODE that can be used for personal development to increase your conflict intelligence or to upskill to become a conflict coach. Stay tuned!

Visit her website https://mediationcompany.com.au/ or use the form below to get in touch.

Suyheang Kry

Mediator Musings with Suyheang Kry

Venita Dimos is a dispute resolution professional collaborating with Mediation Institute to develop a brand new conflict prevention and resolution coaching program called the SOLVE CODE.

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Mediator Musings Venita Dimos

Mediator Musings with Venita Dimos

Venita Dimos is a dispute resolution professional collaborating with Mediation Institute to develop a brand new conflict prevention and resolution coaching program called the SOLVE CODE.

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