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The Dispute Resolution
Training and Membership Specialists

Tel: 1300 781 533 

What'S New?

Last updated 29.5.2024

Table of Contents

AMDRAS and Guidelines Released

AMDRAS the Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards were released on the 1st May 2024. 

You can download a copy of all of the released documents and see the start of a Frequently Asked Questions feed on this post-Australian Mediator And Dispute Resolution Accreditation Standards AMDRAS (mediationinstitute.edu.au)

New Member Categories

Starting from July 2024 for members who have not already renewed we will be introducing a new structure for our memberships. 

New – Professional Development Membership this is for people who want to participate in our professional development but do not need Mediation Institute to provide your independent complaint handling or verify your dispute resolution practitioner status.   There will be a 12 month renewal cycle for this type of membership. 

Changed Practitioner Membership. Practitioner membership is for NMAS Accredited Mediators, Family Group Conference Facilitators and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners who want a verified profile on the Mediation Institute Member directory.  This membership also includes complaint handling and professional development support. The membership will change from a 24 month to 12 month cycle. 

Changed – NMAS Accredited Mediators accredited through  Mediation Institute will automatically change to become AMDRAS Registered Practitioners on the 1st July 2024.  There will be a 12 month transition period and more information will be provided once it is released by the Mediator Standards Board.  We will retain a 2 year membership for NMAS Mediators accredited through Mediation Institute which will also include complaint handling and professional development for any other dispute resolution member categories you are eligible for – Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and Family Group Conference Facilitators. 

Fee Changes

There will be a fee increase with the changes but renewing members, even if your renewal date is after the 1st July 2024 will be able to renew on the current rates.  If you need to pay for your membership once we have transitioned you will be on the new rates and for 12 instead of 24 months other than the NMAS / AMDRAS Accreditation which will remain for 24 months. 

New Membership Portal

We will be introducing a new membership portal as part of these changes. The portal will allow for greater self-service management of your professional profiles as well as business profiles.  Included in the portal will be: 

  • events
  • professional development recording tool
  • forums
  • documents and resources and more

Links to Research, Policies and Papers

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