Mi logo (1)

The Dispute Resolution
Training and Membership Specialists

Tel: 1300 781 533 

Logos Header

Logos for Mi Members


You can download the appropriate Mi Members Logos to use on your email signature or website with a link back to Mediation Institute. www.mediationinstitute.edu.au

How to save these images

  1. Using your mouse right-click on the image you want to save
  2. Click on the “Save image as” message
  3. On the pop-up box that appears either click save if that is where you want it or click on the folder on the left of the pop-up screen to choose where the image is saved. (Instructions for PC – you’re on your own if you have a Mac)



NMAS Mediators

Nmas Logo

If you are a NMAS Accredited Mediator you are also entitled to use the registered logo for NMAS Mediators.

You should not use the Mediator Standards Board logo. 


According to clause 12.4 of the NMAS a mediator accredited under the National Mediator Accreditation System is entitled to use the following descriptor and post-nominal: Accredited Mediator NMAS. 

NMAS Mediators

Nmas Mediator

This logo is available for people who are NMAS Accredited with Mediation Institute as your Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB) 

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners

Fdr Practitioner

This logo is available for people who are a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner member using Mediation Institute as your complaint handling body. 

Family Group Conference Facilitators

Fgc Facilitator

This logo is available for people who are Family Group Conference Facilitator members of Mediation Institute.

Transformative Relationship Mediators

Mi Mediator Network Trm Logo

This logo is available for people who are certified Transformative Relationship Mediators and members of Mediation Institute.

Corporate Members

Corporate Member

This logo is available for people who are members of Mediation Institute through a corporate membership and also for our corporate members to use.