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Training and Membership Specialists

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Experience Qualified Pathway

Experience Qualified Pathway - NMAS

This pathway is only available unit the 30th June 2025. 

Access the NMAS for full details. national-mediator-accreditation-system.pdf (msb.org.au)

Clause 2.5 of the NMAS identifies the experience qualified pathway option as an alternative to the standard training and assessment.  

You can read the NMAS yourself here – national-mediator-accreditation-system.pdf (msb.org.au)

There are three defined pathways for people who are seeking an alternative to the standard Training and Assessment for NMAS Accreditation. NMAS Mediator Training and Accreditation Assessment Course

(a) Comparable training and assessment

You will need to provide sufficient information about the training and assessment you have completed if it was not provided by a recognised training provider – MSB Member List

(b) Experience, education and assessment 

In order to qualify for this pathway we will need the following evidence: 

  • evidence of having conducted at least 100 hours of mediation within the two years prior to your application. 
  • evidence that you have participated in more than 25 hours of relevant continuing professional development in the preceding 3 years 
  • two references confirming your competence as a mediator
  • evidence that you have completed mediator training, supervision or education to our satisfaction and 
  • having been found competent in the assessment for competence as a mediator 

(c) Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) knowledge, experience and assessment

In order to qualify for this pathway you will need the following evidence:

  • evidence that you possesses appropriate mediation experience and knowledge of the unique values and traditions within the culturally  and linguistically diverse (CALD) community with which you identify
  • two references confirming your competence as a mediator
  • evidence of having been found competent in the assessment for competence as a mediator

These pathways require an assessment of competence which is generally conducted through a Video Mediation role play by Mediation Institute. 

If you meet the requirements that allow you to apply for accreditation via the Experience Qualified Pathway or have completed a qualifying course with another training provider we can offer you the option of completing the NMAS Assessment Program.

If you have previously been NMAS accredited there is a pathway to apply for re-accreditation. 

6 Re-instatement of accreditation 

If you are seeking re-instatement you must provide the following information:

  • disclose the date from which they were first granted accreditation under the NMAS
  • specify the period of leave of absence or the date upon which your NMAS accreditation lapsed or was suspended
  • you must meet the approval requirements set out in Sections 2.1 of NMAS – national-mediator-accreditation-system.pdf (msb.org.au)
  •  provide evidence to an RMAB that you have met the accreditation renewal requirements described in Section 3 of the NMAS in the two years immediately prior to seeking re-instatement
  • If you don’t meet the renewal requirements of 25 hours of Mediation Practice and 25 hours of appropriate professional development you will have to participate in refresher training and professional development. This will be a requirement for  supplementary practical training, coaching and/or assessment, as we consider necessary to be confident that your knowledge and skills are current.

If conditions were imposed at the time of suspension or leave of absence.

You must provide evidence to us that any conditions imposed at the time of suspension or grant of a period of leave of absence have been met prior to seeking re-instatement. 


Accreditation will be re-instated from the date that Mediation Institute assesses that you have satisfied the requirements for reinstatement of your accreditation. 

Note: Re-instatement of accreditation cannot be granted more than once in every four years.  

Experience Qualified Pathway - AMDRAS

This pathway will be available at some time before the 1st July 2025 and will be the pathway after then.  AMDRAS, formerly known as the Mediator Standards Board (MSB)

Division 8 addresses alternative pathways to AMDRAS accreditation.  

Clause 35 Application for alternative pathway

(a) An applicant may request a Recognised Provider (RP) to certify that the applicant has satisfied the requirements for any one or more of the Certificate of Training, the Certificate of Assessment, and the Practicum Certificate, by an alternative pathway.

(b) The RP may, before issuing a Certificate, assess the applicant in whatever way it considers necessary and having regard to the standard requirements for the Certificate.

(c) If the RP considers that the applicant has satisfied the alternative pathway requirement and has passed any further assessment under paragraph 35(b), it must issue the requested Certificate or Certificates.

If you have previously been a NMAS or AMDRAS accredited mediator and would like to apply for reaccreditation the following conditions apply. Version 6.2024

57 Re-instatement of accreditation

This applies if you are seeking re-accreditation after a period of leave of absence or after your registration has lapsed or been suspended or cancelled. 

The evidence required is:

  • evidence that, as at the time of the application, you satisfy the requirements for re-accreditation; and any conditions imposed on your leave of absence, suspension, or cancellation and the hours of practice completed in the relevant period. 
  • the date from which you were first granted accreditation under AMDRAS or NMAS
  • the period of leave of absence, or the date on which your accreditation was suspended or cancelled, or the date on which it lapsed
  • If you had your accreditation suspended or cancelled, a statement from the relevant RAP of the reasons for the suspension or cancellation. 
If you have not met the CPD requirements in the previous 2-year period, you must undertake any supplementary practical training, coaching and assessment required by the RAP to address the shortfall. 

The effective date of re-instatement is the date on which we notify you that you have satisfied our requirements. 

You can only be granted re-instatement once in every 4-year period. 

If you do not have evidence of experience or comparable training

You would need to complete the full NMAS training and assessment program which is equivalent to 40 + hour online learning and Video Mediation role plays as a mediator.
We no longer offer assessment only due to the lower than acceptable success rate experienced by applicants who applied for assessment only from people who had trained elsewhere or applied via one of the experience qualified pathways.